Friday, January 10, 2014

Lock the door.

I have this one roommate who:

never locks the door as she leaves the house
never FULLY cleans the dishes ( seriously, she puts water on it and spins the water in the cup and waaaabammm. its clean) DRIVES ME NUTS.
never buys anything for the kitchen
never takes out the trash
never picks up after herself
and last but certainly not least.
always unplugs the lamp.

I want to say something, and I did about locking the door. I mean how hard is it to push the lock button... she doesn't even have to put a key in!

All I can say is she is in for a surprise when she is married and no one is there is pick up after her.

I feel like I am a mom. I now know how all moms must feel when the kids come in with snowy shoes and drags in the salt and leaves puddles of water in the kitchen, Or when the kids leave empty spice containers in the cupboard, never turns the lights off before going to bed, and more that I cant even begin to think about.

Life is great if this is the only thing I can complain about right?

on the bright side. tomorrow is day: Saturday 11 year: 2014 and guess what the means..
I Cara Andre'e Smith do not have to go into work tomorrow. I believe this is the first Saturday in about 6 months that I have not worked. I am so stoked!

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