Thursday, February 13, 2014

tears in the eyes.

Last night I was trying to read a recipe (I made some very delish enchiladas)  (hotwiffypoints) and I was focusing way to much to look at that normal size paper. For the Past two weeks I have been struggling with seeing.... But I didn't want to face it. I don't always like wearing my glasses, but I know to function like a normal human and see the beauty of this earth I need to suck it up and just wear them. I may have had tears running down my face as I was driving to get the ingredients for dinner but its hard being 23 years young and having worse eyes than your great grandma. So today friends I am grateful for my cute, trendy, large looking ray bans that I rock everyday. here's to good eyes and an even better lovers day.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


have you ever felt like your brain was full of bees? I honestly feel like my brain is a beehive.
I wish it would slow down so I can catch up with life and get my thoughts and feelings in order.

- some may ask.. well why is this cara?  & you know what I have to say? its a big secret. :)

don't you all love secrets? hah. nah. its really not but I cant truly answer that. I think that's what im trying to figure out right now.

SUPRISE, SUPRISE- school is rough. its hard. its time consuming, its long hours on the computer and honestly im feeling smarter and smarter when I shut my computer and put my homework down for the night.
                                     ISNT THAT THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD?
                                        I don't even have to have my glasses on to have this feeling anymore!